Are you getting ready for an interview in English or you just want to improve your Medical English? Sign- up for our on-line lessons with an experienced lecturer free of charge!
You can choose any course from the following dates or all of them:
Thursday August 12, from 15:30 – 17:00, Course of Medical English, Topic: In the hospital, Admissions, Staff, departments, equipment. Emergency and programmed admission
Monday August 16, from 17:00 – 18:30, course INTERVIEW PREPARATION
Thursday August 19, from 15:30 – 17:00, Course of Medical English, Topic: Monitoring Vital Signs, Blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate, neurological assessment. Signs, symptoms, and reporting information
Monday August 23, 17:00 – 18:30, course INTERVIEW PREPARATION
Tuesday August 24, from 15:30 – 17:00, Course of Medical English, Topic: Preventing Infection, Administering Drugs, Cross infection. Bacteria. Precautions. Types of drugs. Administration. Side effects.
Thursday August 26, from 15:30 – 17:00, Course of Medical English, Topic: Taking care of a patient, Different health problems. Taking care of the geriatric patient. Taking care of the diabetic patient.
Are you interested? Send us an e-mail:
Each lesson lasts 90 minutes and is designed for a maximum of 4 students. Online lessons will take place in ZOOM application.
The lesson Medical English will be led by an experienced lecturer, Ms. Hedvika. She has a strong connection to the language itself. As a student, Hedvika lived in the United States, specifically in California, where she also studied at a private boarding school San Domenico. Hedvika became a cultural ambassador, alongside others from 52 countries around the world. At San Domenico School, the oldest independent school in California, Hedvika gained many experiences through meeting people from different backgrounds and her academic achievements. But most importantly, she mastered her English, that she now passes on through teaching.
The lesson Interview preparation is led by an experienced lecturer, Ms. Silvie Skalilova – a passionate Healthcare Educator with twenty-five years of progressive experience in healthcare environments. She is an MPH graduate from the University of Manchester and Health Service Education/Health Care Management graduate from the Unisa University of South Africa. She worked within busy, tertiary hospitals in Czech Republic and Saudi Arabia performing ICU and Medivac duties and also providing clinical education and capacity building to medical and nursing staff.
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